Ladies and gentlemen of the jury, I’ll restate the prompt and charges that my client is facing: “Should Chinggis Khan and his descendants go down in history as merely barbarian conquerors or were the Khans truly the makers of the modern world?”.
The evidence is such that the answer is affirmative. And this result is compelled not only by the vast benefits brought to all people of the Mongol Empire, but also by simple common sense. But lets talk about the positive repercussions and how it made the modern world.
Economically, the Khans controlled, expanded, and secured the Silk Road. The witnesses have proven that trade fostered economic growth and that the Mongol control of this trade network ensured merchant security as well as networks for the first effective mail systems, where many mail systems today are internationally based upon. Furthermore, they were the first ones to establish AfroEurasian trade and ultimately create oceanic routes that led us to the New World today. Without these oceanic routes, the European explorers would not have made such prevailing discoveries and the whole Age of Exploration would have been prolonged or have never even occured. Culturally, they allowed for religious and cultural tolerance as well as gender equality. The Mongols offered all the cultures they assimilated a chance at equality and a part of the vast Mongol empire. They were one of the first empires to effectively practice religious tolerance and equality for women which shows their advancement as well as their impact they had on the modern world, as these practices are the foundation of many thriving societies today. Without the Mongols we don’t even know if these practices would have been established or even integrated into our culture. Politically, the Mongols especially Chinggis
Khan practiced meritocracy over aristocracy, meaning he chose people based off of merit, over bloodline or royalty to rule by his side;