Dheeraj Reddy Bayyapureddy
CIS 500: Info Sys for Decision Making
Prof. Akhtar Shah
Strayer University
The IT Structure at Ford was made up of many systems that were tangled into one large IT system. When Volvo separated from from Ford in 2010, it had the opportunity to develop an IT system that could provide better Business Intelligence capabilities. At Volvo, a Teradata® system integrates product configuration, warranty, and vehicle diagnostic data to support technical and business analyses throughout the product lifecycle. The ready availability of current, quality-controlled data is transforming decision-making processes throughout the organization, with beneficial impacts on quality, warranty costs, customer satisfaction, and bottom line profitability.
Cloud Integration into Volvo’s Network The ability to collectively harness the wealth of data being mined was invaluable.
Volvo Collects a large amount of wealth from its cars on a daily basis and this data is invaluable in making the cars less prone to accidents. Volvo’s promise of making sure that there will be no accidents in a Volvo car by 2020 is one insight into how this data is being analyzed and used.
All this information is then transferred via cloud to its Volvo Data warehouse where it is stored for Long Term Archival and Retrieval or it can be accessed by Volvo’s employees. In 2010, Volvo stretched across eight main business units and twelve support areas with production plants in 19 countries. The platform used to link employees at the business units, support and production plants together are done via Volvo’s cloud with Saas software as a user interface and display. Volvo has a high-performance infrastructure that includes parallel multi-processing, high-speed networking, and fast I/O storage.
Transforming Data into Knowledge All the data Volvo obtains is stored in Volvo 's Data Warehouse and by combining and analyzing this large amount of
References: Volvo: A car company powered by Teradata. http://www.teradata.com/Resources/Case-Studies/Volvo-A-Car-Company Asthana, Praveen (2011) Big Data and Little Data, Forbes Magazine at Forbes.com, http://www.forbes.com/sites/dell/2011/10/31/big-data-and-little-data/ Volvogroup.com (2012) Collecting Driving Data to Improve Safety, http://www.volvogroup.com/group/global/en-gb/researchandtechnology/transport_society/enhancing_safety/collecting_data_for_safety/Pages/collecting_data_for_safety.aspx