At the time of learning languages like C, C++, Java etc. The programmers or users have to face the problems of installation or compilation. Other problem is that if the user wants to compile program on any other system they require again all processing to install and configuration problem. Security is one more problem of the user or programmer. Due to, viruses or some time improper handling of application the source file may get damaged or lost by system crash.
To solve all these problems we are designing a Cloud Based Multi-Language Programming Compiler to executing different types of source code on one editor providing all type of security. Cloud Based Multi-Language Programming Compiler is an application which greatly lightens the student’s workload at the initial stage of programming. At this stage, they neither have to deal with the complexities of the installation and the configuration of these types of tools, nor with the understanding of multiple options which are available. So students can concentrate on the comprehension of the programming structures and the programming language to be studied.
1.1 Scope of Work
The project has been compartmentalized into three parts. The first one is Web Interface with which end user interact. The second module consist of Cloud Server. The end user interact with web interface to store and compile the program.
The Cloud Server basically has two main modules for proper functioning
• First module is Code Server in which user registry is maintained. All the written into the online editor is stored into this Code Server.
• Second module is the most important module in our project that is Compilation Server. It is responsible for compiling the program written in different language. It stores different compiler of various language like C, C++, JAVA etc.
Project aims to build an editor which can be used as an common editor for different programming languages like C, C++, Java. It
References: [1] Aamir Nizam Ansari, Siddharth Patil, Arundhati Navada, Aditya Peshave, Venkatesh Borole, Online C/C++ Compiler using Cloud Computing‖, Multimedia Technology (ICMT), July 2011International Conference, pp. 3591-3594. [2] Virtual Laboratory:” Muilt- Style Code Editor” Andrey V.Lyamin, State University of IT, Mechanics and Optics St. Petersburg, Russia [3] S. Anderson. "Working together to develop a professional learning community". HERDSA 2002. Websites [1] [2] [3] [4]