UNIT 5002
Simon Butterfield
Table of contents
Section page number
Introduction 3
Be able to identify and select sources of data and information 4-5
What is information? 4
Be able to analyse and present information to support decision making 6-9
What is Decision Making 6
Decision making styles 6
Decision making model 6
Group Decision Making 8
Risks to Group Decision Making 8 Decision making tools 9
Be able to communicate the results of information analysis and decisions 10-13
Dangers and Barriers 11
Methods of Communication 11
Improving Communication 12
Chairing Meetings 13
Reasons for Ineffective Meetings 13
Meetings I Attend 13
Difficult People 14
Negotiation 14
Do’s and Don’ts of Negotiation 14
Closing Statement 15
Bibliography 15
The following report is going to explain about decision making in my workplace, it is going to be split into 3 major bodies. Identifying information, analyse the information and communicate the results.
Decision making can take time for some decisions to be made, others will take no time at all as we make them every day, unknown to us, every minute of every day we are making management decisions without knowing it.
We are going to concentrate on larger decisions to be made, not every day issues,
Decision making is all about gathering information, anlysing it, understanding the pros and cons of each path to be taken and deciding which to take to get where you need to go, some steps are easier if shared with others within the team.
Be able to identify and select sources of data and information
What is information?
According to your dictionary online (http://www.yourdictionary.com/data), data can be defined as facts or figures to be
Bibliography: Online Dictionary http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Decision_making http://www.direct.gov.uk/en/RightsAndResponsibilities/DG_10028507