May 13- WEEK 1
TOPIC: Introduction to Race and Racism
Approach For The Course
** How do we know what we know?
(important… will ask during presentations and lecture term papers) exploration of media texts collaborative/ dialogical engage with case studies and examples understand and work with what we know
What is a media text?
Moving beyond mainstream news, Hollywood movies and popular commercials
Towards local productions, independent film…
Media power in relation to the image (Hall, 1996) knowledge in relation to the image (Hall, 1996) who is telling the story and what assumptions do they have?
Racism and Discrimination systemic racism" individual racism
Quote: “Although the term "systemic racism" has now entered the lexicon of everyday speech, there is confusion about its meaning. For most people systemic racism stands in comparison to individual racism. While individual racism is understood to be a practice arising from the belief that one racial group is superior to another, systemic racism is meant to capture the idea that policies and practices that appear neutral on the surface can have the effect of disadvantaging certain rcail or ethnic group…” (Razack, 2008 p1)
(Side note from
Defining Racism
"Systemic discrimination "means practices or attitudes that have, whether by design or impact, the effect of limiting an individual`s or a group`s right to the opportunities generally available because of attributed rather than actual characteristics.... It is not a question of whether this discrimination is motivated by an intentional desire to obstruct someone's potential, or whether it is the accidental bi- product of innocently motivated practices or systems. If the barrier is affecting some groups in a disproportionately negative way, it is a signal that the practices that lead to this adverse impact may be discriminatory". (Abella, 1984).
If asked,