Psychoanalytic Therapy
• Sigmund Freud.
• Freuds psychoanalytical system = model of personality development, approach to psychotherapy
• Often a benchmark used for other theories
• Freudian view of human nature = deterministic
• Behaviour determined by irrational forces, unconscious motivations 0biological/instinctual drives, evolve through key psycho sexual stages in first 6 years of life
• Instincts central
• Libido = energy of all life instincts
• Libido, source of motivation that encompasses sexual energy but goes beyond it
• Both sexual and aggressive drives are powerful determinants of why people act as they do
• Psychoanalytical view – three systems for personality: id, ego, superego
• Id = biological, ego = psychological, superego = social
• Humans = energy systems
• Id, original system of personality, at birth person is all id. Primary source of psychic energy and seat of instincts. Blind, demanding, insistent, lacks organization. Cannot tolerate tension and discharges tension immediately. Ruled by pleasure principle (reducing tension, avoid pain, gain pleasure). Id is Illogical, amoral, satisfy instinctual needs, never matures. Doesn’t think, acts or wishes, largely unconscious.
• Ego governs, controls, regulates personality. Controls consciousness and exercises censorship. Realistic and logical thinking, formulates plans of acitons for satisfying needs. Ego checks and controls blind impulses of id, ego distinguishes between mental images and things in external world.
• Superego is judical branch of personality. Includes moral code, main concern of whether action is good/right/wrong/bad. Superego reprents values/ideals of society as they are handed down from generations. Inhibits the id impulses, to persuade ego to substitute moralistic goals for realistic ones and to strive for perfection. Supergego related to psychological rewards and punishments
• Dreams, slips of tongue and forgetting, posthypnotic suggestions,