For many and varied reasons, parents, educators, policy makers and the general public are concerned about the poor performance of students at all the grade levels in the subject area of mathematics. An examination of the Grade Three Diagnostic Test 2008 administered in a rural All-Age School indicates that only 4.3% of all the students have mastered all five (5) strands of the test, while 21.7% of them have not mastered any. Whereas 0% of the males have mastered the five (5) strands in Mathematics, 15% have not mastered any. On the other hand, 7% of the females have mastered all strands, but 21.4% have not mastered any. The weakness in the overall performance of mathematics is of particular concern, especially as an understanding of the number system and the four (4) operations (addition, subtraction, division and multiplication) form the bedrock for the development of all other areas in mathematics. The researcher will embark on an action research to support the need for teachers to use Cooperative Learning to teach Mathematics. This study will set out to investigate if cooperative learning is used correctly and consistently, and if it will yield better results in students’ performance in Mathematics. The Cooperative Learning Method requires students’ participation and interdependence in its task, goal and reward structure. Students will be allowed to find solutions to math problems in groups and where possible formulate their own hypotheses. The Cooperative Learning Method is characterized by cooperative task, goals and reward structures. Students in cooperative learning situations are encouraged and/or required to work together on a common task and they must coordinate their efforts to complete the task. Similarly, in cooperative learning, two or more individuals are interdependent for a reward they will share, if they are successful as a group. Cooperative learning can be characterized by the following features:
Bibliography: Arends I Richard(2004) Learning to Teach, (6th ed.) McGraw Hill Companies, Inc 1221 New York. Bruce, Chip. Helping Children Learn Science. Retreived February 9, 2000 from the World Wide Web: Clementi-Rozlivkova Constructivist Theory. 2004. Retrived February 29, 2001 froom the World Wide Web: http://wings.ucdavis.ed/guide/methods.html Gunning, G. Thomas (2003) Creating Literacy Instruction for All Children, (4th ed.) Johnson, D Mastropieri, A. Margo & Scruggs, E. Thomas (2004). The Inclusive Classroom Strategies for Effective instruction (2nd ed.), Pearson Education, Inc: Upper Saddle River, Mayer, R.E Slavin, R. E., & Oickle, E. (1981). Effects of cooperative learning teams on student achievement and race relations: Treatment by race interactions. Sociology of Education. Ysseldyke & Salvia (2004) Assessment in education. (9th ed.) Houghton Mifflin Company