Answer the following questions.
1. In the locker room after the St. Francis game, did the players of Richmond demonstrate responsibility? Why or why not? * NO, the fact that time they don’t know how to discipline themselves. They are trying to blame one another in there loss, telling each ones mistake and fighting one another. They do not know how to calm themselves and think how to make a good match next time. 2. What do you think motivates coach carter to take the low paying coaching job? * He took the low paying coaching job because he wants to bring change into the poor neighborhood of Richmond but more importantly the student athletes on their basketball team. He wants to make each member of the team not good only in basketball but also in academics. In other words he wants to make the life of those students not only rotate on the circle of basketball but also in academics for a better future. 3. Do you think the contract is fair? What does your opinion say about your values? * Yes, as a student like me we need to compile or to submit requirements for us to pass and graduate. Education means we learn academically we are educated not only to play sports but to learn things that we need for us to get a good job. So Coach Carter’s contract is fair and that’s the right thing to be given to the students to learn, and be responsible. 4. How does coach carter’s son Damien demonstrate perseverance in achieving his goals? * Being in a high standard and high performance school is an advantage for you to achieve you goal much easier. Damien the son of Coach Carter studied in St. Francis a high performing school. But he wants to study at Richmond to play for his father, He sacrifice a good type of school just for playing basketball, but he promised and proved that he will perform good not only in basketball but also in academics. 5. Once Cruz asks coach carter if he can return to the team, how does he demonstrate