The characters that had the wrong knowledge also had the wrong aims this is because the students at Richmond felt like they couldn’t do anything meaningful in their lives for the men on the basketball team, it didn't matter where they were going or where they would end up. Take Kyra she had the wrong aims because she felt like having a child as a teen was alright. While some teen moms may think they will be able to provide for the child on their own it is clear that she was not ready for the commitment of a young child. contradictory to Kyra is Coach because he took the job at richmond to change the lives of the men he coached by …show more content…
Damien spoke in a mild tone and was very respectful towards his peers and teachers.
A relevant theme in their town was one of bad conduct, characters such as Cruz set an example to other players of the basketball team. When Cruz quit the team soon after Coach Carter started he was belligerent towards Coach when he swore and mocked him. Worm showed unacceptable conduct by sneaking out to a party and then got caught sleeping around with a girl there. Good conduct was present after the lock down was over, the whole team did not play until their marks were up to par with what Coach wanted. This showed tremendous self dignity and