So who is the driving force behind every team to make them successful or non-successful? There is a coaching environment which exists for all teams which either facilitates the athlete’s progression in the sport or could possible scare them from the team. It is the people involved directly with the team that creates this coaching environment. Who precisely is involved here shall be discussed as well as the influence sport scientists may have on this environment, whether it is a hindrance or have a beneficial impact.
Whilst we may have an ideal of the type of team or athlete needed to win, having it and making everything work are two different things (Sewell et al, 2005). "You get the best effort from others not by lighting a fire beneath them, but by building a fire within."- Bob Nelson. Thus an environment which facilitates learning and progression of skill must be created before successful coaching can take place. Coaches operate from principles of success. To repeat the key principles as part of their coaching environment: Coaches must maintain their commitment to support the individual, build their coaching relationships on truth openness and trust as well as mutual respect and understanding (NCF 1986), know that their athletes are responsible for the results they are generating and that they are potentially capable of better results. Coaching athletes at all levels calls for a variety of skills; depending on the support structure, the coach is likely to have to be motivator, technical expert, psychologist, bus driver, kit-carrier, administrator and manager, to name but a few of the obvious roles.
Your athletes will respond to your enthusiasm, or lack of, in your coaching sessions (NCF 1986) so thus creating a positive environment is an important part of your coaching technique. Removing the barriers to learning and focusing the attention of your athletes is necessary. It is especially important when coaching young athletes to