Coal Bottom Ash has gained a great consideration as an alternative for replacing fine aggregates. Coal Bottom Ash has physical characteristics are same as that of naturally found sand which makes it suitable for replacing sand in concrete. Coal Bottom Ash represents good pozzolanic element reactivity when it comes in contact with finer elements. Many researchers in their research work claimed that the properties of Self-Compacting Concrete comprised of 10% replacement of Coal Bottom Ash as a supplementary material of fine aggregate shows a great performance in terms of strength and durability as compared to normal concrete. Concrete incorporating coal bottom ash is normally less workable as …show more content…
(2012) casted 20 concrete mixtures with five blends for every level of substitution by coal base fiery debris and aggregate powder content (cement+flyash) is 550kg/m3. Coarse total was taken at 39% by volume of concrete and fine total substance at 45% by volume of mortar with 2% air content.
Slump flow test and measurement of T50 cm test – All the mixes in the study falls in the scope of 590-675 mm. The droop stream time of the solid to achieve distance across 50 cm for all blends was less than 6 seconds.
V-funnel test – V-funnel time is under 6 second which is prescribed for cement to qualify as a SCC. Test outcomes demonstrate that all SCC blends meet the necessities of reasonable flow time.
L-box test – Most extreme size of coarse total was kept as 16 mm so as to abstain from blocking impact in the L-box.The hole between the rebars was 35 mm. The L-box proportion for the blends was over 0.6.
U-box test – The resultant difference in the level of concrete in two chambers lies in the range of