3.3 Collect and review data using appropriate methods, including primary and secondary research techniques
The researcher used the questionnaire method as his primary research technique. The survey questionnaire was adapted from a previous research done by an Advertising agency regarding effectiveness of advertising. This survey was then distributed online to a sample population within Metro Manila. And the secondary research technique that was used was from the study of Mr. Honorata Ocampo Lee which is about Comparison of the effectiveness of the physical distribution processess and strategies of Coca Cola bottlers Philippines Inc. and Pepsi Cola products Philippines Inc. in selected districts in Manila for the year 2001-2003. 3.4 Analyze and interpret appropriate qualitative and quantitative data
Quantitative research uses a scientific approach; the researcher’s hypothesis which stated in his study will need to have an attempt in proving and disproving that hypothesis. The data that will be generated can be analyzed mathematically. (Primary and Secondary research) The researcher used questionnaire to
Qualitative research is concerned with the opinions and feelings; the data that will be collected is not necessarily set of numbers. It looks at the overall image rather than the separate components. (Primary and Secondary research)
4.1 Record findings in an accepted format and 4.2 Present and summarize the findings using suitable methods
References: Questionnaires. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 йил 30-March from Lets Evaluation Resources: http://www.shef.ac.uk/lets/evaluate/general/methods-collection/questionnaire#Why+use+questionnaires%3F Data Collection Methods. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 йил 30-March from Fao Corporate Document Repository: http://www.fao.org/DOCREP/003/X2465E/x2465e09.htm#b8-6.3.3%20Interviews Primary and Secondary research. (n.d.). Retrieved 2012 йил 2-April from Design and Technology: http://hsc.csu.edu.au/design_technology/producing/develop/2662/primary.htm Teaching The World To Sing. (2012). Retrieved May 25, 2012, from The Coca Cola Company: http://www.thecoca-colacompany.com/heritage/ourheritage.html Bellis, M. (2011, November). The History Of Coca Cola. Retrieved May 25, 2012, from About.com: http://inventors.about.com/od/cstartinventions/a/coca_cola.htm Choosing Appropriate Research Methodoligies and Techniques. (2011). Retrieved May 27, 2012, from skills4study: http://www.palgrave.com/skills4study/studentlife/postgraduate/choosing.asp Arandilla, R. (2011, April). Coca Cola Advertising History. Retrieved June 13, 2012, from 1stWeb Designer: http://www.1stwebdesigner.com/inspiration/coca-cola-advertising-history/