Project Title; Coconut Sap Sugar Production
Proponent : Franklin A. Co
Cebu technological University Agriculture Extension Club. Barili, Cebu. 09055713100
Proposed benificiaries ; Japitan Multi-purpose Cooperative
Area of implementation ; barangay Japitan Barili, Cebu
Time Frame : 3 years
Budgetary requirements : php 5,000
The sap or toddy, like that of other palms is a favourite beverage in tropical countries, either in the natural state or after fermentation which takes place within a few hours. But coco sap sugar in particular is produced from boiling coconut sap before it starts to ferment.
Coco sap sugar is one of toddy products, somehow cause an alarm to the local and international market. Although the optimum of this product as a sweetener has not been fully exploited it can very well provide for the improvement of nutrition and health of consumers, aside from increasing income.
Because of lots of social benefits derived from cocosap sugar productions recommendations arise and suggestions for countryside income generation were conceived. Entrepreneurial trainings for enhancement then were designed for purposes of promoting peace and development in a given locality.
project objectives ;
Provide hands on training on coco sugar making
To produce derived from locally available coconut sap
Provide additional source of income and livelihood opportunities to the community
methods strategies of implementation
technological know-how will be provided to the proposed beneficiaries.
Processing of coconut sugar; coconut toddy will be collected by the farmers and will be purchased by the proposed benificiaries which will then be processed into coconut sugar and packaged.
Marketing:l about 98% of the production volume will be sold( production loss estimated at 2%). Products will be sold in retail and wholesale and will picked up by the buyers at the