treat one another.Within the code it presents how we should, “maintain the church of god, to serve the liege lord in valor and faith, to protect the weak and defenseless, to succor widows and orphans, to live by honor and glory, to despise pecuniary reward, to fight for welfare for all, to obey those in authority, to guard the honor of other knights, to keep faith, speak the truth all the time, respect the honor of women, never refuse a challenge from an equal, and never turn your back on a foe.” There are some ideologies that we do not take from the code and are redefined today, but nevertheless we still hold our standards of being a gentleman and show our respectful demeanor towards a represented authority figure by the code of chivalry. Of course some people do not follow every extinct of chivalry, but to represent it now is how we treat our army and authority figures with respect and honor for those who protect the families at and away from home, as well as how we learn to respect one another's choices and opinions of who they are.
In today's society, we are told to act like a gentlemen or the very least be kind to others so that we can represent good morals and a well organized society.With what we learn from these ideas of being gentlemen like, comes from the code of chivalry and along with the idea of being gentlemen like was to help please and amuse a lady known as “courtesy”, of course in our time an era we all try to persuade differently without having to be a nice well proper person, but it does not mean that we do not follow a simple idea of having to woo an individual that was resided as a following within chivalry.But, even though there is something as having to be a gentle person there is also the shame upon doing something that can completely ruin one's life if a knight were to harm a woman any way as abuse or rape, he would be shamed upon in the courts and removed from his land or may end up getting the death penalty for doing so.To this day we follow partly close to these rules for punishment within the supreme court, we assert the rule of the death penalty close to murder and rape of women like the following idea within chivalry of not harming or dishonoring a women.The idea of even hurting a woman being a terrible thing all comes from the rule of thumb that it is being gentlemen like is the only way you should respect a women,but in our time things are different to how we respond to others and react to any worse situation of one doing something trouble that the law we set up for doing
so has adapted from the idea from the rules they set up back then,so the idea of the death penalty and the idea of respecting women did come from the code of chivalry. From which we learn to how we get our standards of not harming a woman to the idea of how we deal with the law on certain subjects, but the values they see are different to what we see today.For chivalry values, they swore on the loyalty to reinforce the public promise through supranational sanctions, kind of like how the president is elected in office and when a new person is elected they swear oath to uphold the office.For chivalry values, to have “values” means to have strength and leadership upholding principles of inherent goodness.As well as universal values that reflect the highest ideals of the most honorable traditions, including standard rights over wrong, good over evil, fundamental rights and freedoms, humanitarian compassion , and basic fairness and decency. And because of these values, they help the tangible effect generating desirable behavior within society.So in conclusion, to this day we still use the code of chivalry in an updated way but as well as following standards that represents us as being gentlemen like to our spouse or other love interest.We also learned on how we see the problems of a certain crime and put what the justice system was back then into our political system now and form an essential ideal of justice within our courts when it comes for the death penalty.
But most importantly, it shows us the values we uphold onto office when we show how a true leader should be as well as honoring the people who have died and protected the people from any danger from the threat of others.
Work cited.
By:Geoffroi De Charny