Ethical Actions Worksheet
Write a 100- to 150-word response to each of the following questions:
• Was there anything in either the University of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct or the Student Code of Academic Integrity that surprised you? If so, what was it? Why were you surprised? If not, why not?
After reading the University Of Phoenix Student Code of Conduct, I was not really surprised by any of the rules it has. I was not surprised because almost all of the rules on the Student Code of Conduct are all common sense. For example, harassing other students, carrying weapons on school grounds, or being under the influence of drugs or alcohol on school grounds. These are all things that students have been taught not to do since early elementary school. Then after reading the Student Code of Integrity there were a few things in it that surprised me. For example, the self-plagiarism rule surprised me because I never thought of taking my own work as plagiarizing. I normally just thought of plagiarizing as copying other author’s work.
• What did you learn about the behaviors considered important for an ethical learner or student in the University of Phoenix learning community?
After reading the Student Code of Conduct and the Student Code of Integrity, I learned quite a few things. For example, I learned that I will have many opportunities to choose an ethical path of action or an unethical path of action. There are all kinds of different things that will make choosing this path harder such as stress, being behind in work, tired, or feeling pressured. I also was able to learn some new things about our social contract. We have to be able to learn what is expected of us in order to survive. I learned that biologists figured out that all humans value fairness and want to be recognized and get what we deserve. I learned that unethical actions might cause a culture of not being trusted.
• Why are the Student Code of