1. Abstract
1.1 This Code of Conduct clarifies the standards of behavior that are expected of staff of the Department of Education Division of Escalante City in the performance of their duties. It gives guidance in areas where staff needs to make personal and ethical decisions.
1.2 The Code does this by providing an ethical framework to guide actions, but also by highlighting the existing requirements for staff behavior so that staffs are aware of the standards expected of them.
2. Applicability of the Code
2.1 The use of “DepED DEC” in this Code indicates that the material applies to all parts of the Department of Education, Division of Escalante City, including schools Non-Teaching Personnel “DepED DEC Staff” is implied.
2.2 The use of the terms “schools” or “districts” in this Code indicates that the material applies to only those areas.
2.3 This Code applies to all DepED DES Staff. In this context “staff” includes all persons employed by the Division. “Employed” includes staff employed on a permanent, temporary or casual, full time or part time basis, as trainees, or as secondees from LGU or NGO’s and other agencies.
2.4 This Code should also guide the behavior of contract staff, volunteers, and employees of other organizations with which the DepED DEC has contracts or agreements. Where the contract or agreement refers to this Code then the arrangement in the contract or agreement applies.
3.1 The Department is committed to the highest standards of conduct in public education, training and administration. To meet this commitment, the Division has issued this single Code of Conduct to cover all employees and to more closely align staff conduct with the organizational values and ethics which underpin the Division’s policies and procedures.
4. Policy statement
4.1 Much of this Code is derived from legislation and other departmental policies and procedures of the Department of Education of the Republic of the Philippines.