Cylus Management Consulting
This Code of Ethics will be valid to all employees and partners associated with Cylus Management Consulting. Cylus Management Consulting is devoted to uppermost principles of social and business practices. All employees and partners associated with Cylus Management Consulting are expected to observe the highest achievable standards of veracity as they carry out the day to day operations of Cylus Management Consulting and in working with the clients of Cylus Management Consulting. All employees and partners associated with Cylus Management Consulting will at all times observe this Code of Ethics and will act ethically and legally with the highest level of business ethics and personal integrity in all business dealings and relations with Cylus Management Consulting. No code or course of action can foresee every situation that may come to pass. As a result, this Code is intended to provide as a foundation of guiding principles for employees and partners. If any portion of this Code is ambiguous to you as an employee, or if you have any questions or face predicaments that are not addressed, you should discuss them with your superior.
This Code of Ethics of Cylus Management Consulting has been prepared by the key persons of Cylus Management Consulting and has been prepared in agreement with the laws of the State of Indiana.
Standards and Procedures
Fair Dealing. All employees and partners will behave honestly and ethically at all times. They will act in good faith, with due care, and will participate only in reasonable and open competition. Stealing information or intentionally inducing such discovery by past or present employees of other companies is prohibited. No employee or partner should take unreasonable gain of anyone through exploitation, concealment, mistreatment of privileged information, or any other unjust practice.
Conflicts of Interest. A conflict of interest exists when a person's private