Leadership and Organizational Behavior
Ethics in a Christian University
November 12, 2015
In pursuit of its mission, this organization operates under the following ethical guidelines:
1. Equal opportunity employment
Within the purview of laws permitting church membership as a condition of employment, we will follow procedures to ensure equal opportunity of employment, remuneration, and advancement on the basis of job qualifications and performance.
2. Equity, fairness and non-discrimination
We will treat all individuals and groups with loving justice. We will not practice or condone discrimination with regard to race, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, marital status, veteran status, or …show more content…
disability that does not prohibit performance of essential job functions.
3. Religious dress and grooming practice
We will not discriminate in the wearing of religious clothing or articles (e.g., a Muslim hijab
[headscarf], a Sikh turban, or a Christian cross); observing a religious prohibition against wearing certain garments (e.g., a Muslim, Pentecostal Christian, or Orthodox Jewish woman's practice of not wearing pants or short skirts), or adhering to shaving or hair length observances
(e.g., Sikh uncut hair and beard, Rastafarian dreadlocks, or Jewish peyes [sidelocks]).
4. Respecting sexual orientation
We will be respectful of LGBTQIA and heterosexual persons. Our policies prohibiting premarital sexual conduct are applicable to all persons. We will respect requests for distinct bathroom or dormitory room accommodations whether from an LGBTQIA person or heterosexual roommate.
5. Atmosphere of safety and congeniality
We are committed to providing a work environment that offers physical safety and security as every employee is valuable and every task is honorable, no matter how routine or unnoticed.
6. Respect for human dignity and individuality
We affirm and respect the uniqueness of every employee. We recognizes that a person's value surpasses the worth of his or her contribution to the organization. We believe that …show more content…
communal harmony and corporate objectives are enhanced rather than compromised by the broad mosaic of personalities, talents, skills, and viewpoints. We strive for communication and conduct that is timely, truthful, open, candid, and compassionate.
7. Respect for cultural norms
We will not tolerate harassment, bullying, or ridicule. Islam is the official religion of Arab countries, and is taken very seriously, therefore insulting Islam or their prophets is to be avoided at all costs. At five pre-determined times throughout the day, all Muslims are called to prayer. So do not be surprised or upset with a request to be excused for prayer.
How will the code be enforced
1. Staff, faculty, or students will report observable breaches in code of conduct to: (a) Vice
President for Student Affairs, or (b) Vice President for Faculty Development
2. Consequences of a breach will include: (a) warning; (b) probation; (c) suspension; (d) and dismissal Importance of behaviors selected
These behaviors have been selected as they affect the lives of all minority persons in general and individuals from countries such as India, Japan, and UAE in particular.
Our organization will refrain from intentionally placing another in a position of embarrassment, disrespect, or harassment. We will avoid all behavior is that may be construed as sexually
MBA605 CODE OF ETHICS !3 OF !4 inappropriate. We will honor the privacy and guard the safety of others. In exchange, there is some ethical conduct required of the employee.
Efficiency and attention on the job. The hours of our employment shall be devoted to the work assignments entrusted to us. We will not use the employer's time for personal business or the advancement of personal interests unrelated to the work assigned by our supervisors. We will not deprive our employer by entering into other employment or activities which impair our performance while on the job. We will aspire to greater efficiency and the reduction of waste in time, effort, and resources.
Personal integrity in financial matters. We will not engage in theft or embezzlement of any kind including the misuse of expense accounts, falsification of time reports, or the misapplication of resources for which we are responsible.
Avoiding inappropriate influence. We acknowledge that the giving or receiving
of business gifts can easily inject ulterior considerations in our work and employment relationships.
Therefore the use of gifts, payments, or honoraria as incentives or rewards for a particular course of action is unacceptable. We will not offer gifts, favors, payments, or other forms of reward directly or indirectly in exchange for a specific gain or action.
Maintaining an ethical environment in the workplace. Our organization accepts the obligation of maintaining ethical standards in personal life and in the workplace. We believe it is our personal responsibility to report, through established confidential channels, any behavior that is inappropriate or which undermines the ethical environment in the office complex. We are prepared to be held accountable by our supervisors and peers for professional conduct representing the moral and ethical values of the church.