Melissa S. Nash
Liberty University
The present paper provides an in depth comparison and contrast between two types of Code of Ethics: the American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC). A brief description of the “Code of Ethics” is defined as a standard that differentiates between right and wrong primarily pertaining to the professional counselor, while maintaining a mindset of keeping the best interest of the client. Code of Ethic provides guidance to clients without allowing dependency on the professional counselor and without allowing personal conflicts or issues affect the outcome for the betterment and welfare of the client. Code of Ethics counseling sessions provides …show more content…
a client with the ability to maintain or gain autonomy, self-determination, and keeping the welfare of the client as the main focus. As mentioned, there are several similarities between ACA & AACC codes of ethics; however, there are a few differences. Both types of Code of Ethics provides a standard or guideline that the Professional counselor has to adhere to; however, in particular, AACC provides more in depth practice which leads towards keeping Christ the center and utilizing the bible as a bases or guidance.
Keywords: American Counseling Association (ACA), American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC), informed consent, dual roles, referrals
A Code of Ethics is a guideline of right and wrong techniques to be used in a professional setting. It helps to maintain ethical integrity and accountability and does not account for the replacement of decision-making. As professional counselors, a code of ethics provides the framework and obligation for acting in accordance to the federal and state laws governing regulations. A code of ethics does not provide specific answers to ethical dilemmas that one will face; however, it does offer general guidance. “A code of ethics sets forth values, ethical principles, and ethical standards to which professionals aspire and by which their actions can be judged” (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2002). Since counselors cannot use the code of ethics to handle every ethical situation that may be presented, that is why codes of ethics have to align itself with other mandated guidelines such as law and regulations and/or biblical scriptures. “Ethics codes offer unmistakably clear guidance for only a few problems” (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). Ethical codes are necessary; however, it is essential to be aware of the many limitations. The sole use of ethical codes in practice jeopardizes the care and welfare of clients being served. “A code of ethics cannot guarantee ethical behavior. Moreover, a code of ethics cannot resolve all ethical issues or disputes or capture the richness and complexity involved in striving to make responsible choices within a moral community” (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). The American Counseling Association (ACA) and the American Association of Christian Counseling are the two codes of ethics that will be compared and contrast.
The American Counseling Association (ACA) utilizes the code of ethics as a guideline or bases for the specialization of mental health counseling professionals. When ethical dilemmas arise, the process for resolving issues revolve around decision-making processes. “When counselors are faced with ethical dilemmas that are difficult to resolve, they are expected to engage in a carefully considered ethical decision-making process” (ACA, 2005). “While there is no specific ethical decision-making model that is most effective, counselors are expected to be familiar with a credible model of decision making that can bear public scrutiny and its applications” (ACA, 2005). For the ACA counselors, the use and knowledge of a variety of decision-making models allows for an empowerment that can expanded the growth and development of the clients being seen and counseled. The ACA code uses five main purposes, which are summed up as “Clarification to members the nature of ethical responsibilities, help support the mission of the association, establishes principles that define ethical behavior, serve as an ethical guide to help members construct a professional course of action and the ACA code serves as the basis for processing ethical complaints and inquires initiated against members of the association” (ACA, 2005).
The American Association of Christian Counselors (AACC) uses a different source for the complexity and guidance of counseling. The mission of the AACC is to “(1) help advance the central mission of the AACC—bring honor to Jesus Christ and promote excellence and unity in Christian Counseling; (2) promote the welfare and protect the dignity and fundamental rights of all individuals, families, groups, churches, schools, agencies, ministries and other organizations with whom Christian counselors work; (3) provide standards of ethical conduct in Christian counseling that are to be advocated and applied by the AACC and that can be respected by other professionals and institutions” (AACC, 2004).
The AACC provides a “more comprehensive and behavior-specific ethical code for their Christian Counselors” (AACC, 2004). The AACC’s focus or goal in counseling is to exemplify the biblical truths mentioned in scriptures. “Primary goal of the AACC—to bring honor to Jesus Christ and his church, promote excellence in Christian counseling, and bring unit to Christina counselors” (AACC, 2004). The AACC code of ethics goes beyond providing counselors with boundaries and examples of unethical practices; it “affirmatively educates counselors in the direction of becoming helpers of ethical excellence, capable of more consistently securing the best counseling outcomes” (AACC, 2004).
Both the ACA and the AACC codes of ethics provides a reference or guideline when it comes to ethical issues; however, a few of the similarities promotes to do no harm to their clients and uses the counseling sessions to safeguard the betterment and welfare of the client as the main drive. The AAC code of ethics does provide a more in depth guidance towards the Christian foundations and principles.
Confidentiality. Confidentiality is defined as “complex obligation, with several exceptions and nuances, and both legal and ethical implications have to be considered” (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). Simply stated, confidentiality is privileged communication between counselor and client with limitations stated prior to the start of the sessions. The essential aspect of counseling sessions, whether it is between Christian counselors or secular counselor, is the trust that is essential between counselors/client relationships. Counselors are required to maintain and uphold integrity and trust as the basis for their practice. All types of communications are classified as having limited confidentiality this includes but not limited to: audio, videotapes, verbal, written. “Except with exceptions, counselors shall not disclose confidential client communication without first discussing the intended disclosure and securing written consent from the client or client representative” (Clinton & Ohlschlager, 2002).
Both the ACA & AACC provides a very thorough description of confidentiality and both provide the many exceptions for disclosure. According to the ACA, the exceptions of client disclosure go into more details to include: “contagious, life-threatening diseases and clients lacking capacity to give informed consent” (ACA, 2005). In regards to group counseling sessions, the AACC goes into a better explanation as to safeguarding the integrity and confidentiality, “Christian counselors do not promise or guarantee confidentiality in family and group counseling but rather explain the problems and limits of keeping confidences in these models of therapy” (AACC, 2004).
Informed Consent. Informed consent is a document that defines the boundaries and rights of the client to know the rights they possess and having the ability to make autonomous decisions based on their therapy and care. “Informed consent is a shared decision-making process in which a practitioner provides adequate information so that a potential client can make an informed decision about participating in the professional relationship (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). Informed consent allows the client to become totally involved in their therapy as oppose to succumbing to the decisions and advice of the professional counselor. “Christian counselors take care that (1) the client has the capacity to give consent; (2) we have discussed counseling together and the client reasonably understands the nature and process of counseling; the costs, time, and work required; the limits of counseling; and any appropriate alternatives; and (3) the client freely give consent to counseling, without coercion or undue influence” (AACC, 2004). According to the American Counseling Association (ACA) code of ethics deals a lot with cultural diversity and sensitivity; more so than in the American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC) code of ethics. “Counselors consider cultural implications of informed consent procedures and, where possible, counselors adjust their practices accordingly” (ACA, 2005).
Furthering education is of great importance since information is constantly changing. Professional counselors are required to take the time and become open minded to cultural diversity, race, and gender literature as it relates to the betterment of the client.
According to both codes of ethics, ACA & AACC, aspirational level of ethics. Aspirational ethics is using a higher level of learning and knowledge to reach clients. “Aspirational ethics is using the highest standard of thinking and conduct professional counselors seek, and it requires that counselors do more than simply meet the letter of the ethics code” (Corey, Corey & Callanan, 2011). The Mission of both the ACA & AACC law and ethics committee is “to educate, encourage, and help maintain the highest levels of ethical conduct, practice excellence, and ministerial integrity among counselors” (AACC, 2004).
Reading more literature and information as it pertains to clients and their situations will help with and potentially prevent countertransference. “Prior to offering clinical supervision services, counselors are trained in supervision methods and techniques” (ACA, 2005). Engaging in more knowledge as it relates to the concerns and beliefs of the clients can open the counselor up to a much bigger world of knowledge than their own. According to the ACA code of ethics, the counseling supervisor monitors the training and skills of the counselors and make sure that the client is adequately provided for in each counseling sessions. “A primary obligation of counseling supervisors is to monitor the services provided by other counselors or counselors-in-training” (ACA, 2005). “Counseling supervisors work to ensure that clients are aware of the qualifications of he supervisees who render services to the clients” (ACA, 2005).
The sections mentioned, briefly describes the similarities and differences of the two codes of ethics, American Counseling Association (ACA) and American Association of Christian Counseling (AACC). The guidelines of the two codes are very similar and only offer a few subtle differences in wording and titles. What is also apparent is that one offers grave detail or a better explanation than the other. The major difference to mention is that the AACC provides a more thorough description and explanation of honoring Jesus Christ and for-filling the mission even as it relates to counseling. It is essential to stay attuned to the ethical codes and legal statutes as it relates to professional counseling. “The AACC has a serious commitment to live by and enforce these ethics, and show our members that we are serious about protecting their ministries and reputations by honoring their right to justice and due process” (AACC, 2004). “We are called by Christ to be salt and light throughout our culture; hence, members are encouraged to engage in active and honorable relations with the world around us—relations in which the world can see the light and taste the salt of Christ” (AACC, 2004).
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