When I start to write this paper, I felt that it is very interesting for me to write about something that I like. There are many things came to my mind when the assignment was announced. In this paper I want to write about Ngaji Blusukan, one of JTV’s programs, in sociolinguistics perspective. Ngaji Blusukan is a program broad casted By JTV every the Monday to Friday at 5 pm. It is a religious monologue show and some time it is broadcasted lively at night. The speaker is KH. Aad Ainurussalam who lives on Jl. Sambi Arum Tandes Manukan 23 Surabaya. I choose this program to discuss simply because it is very interesting show/program. Beside, this program does not only give the audience knowledge or information but also entertainment as well. This program also aroused the the popularity of KH. Aad Ainurussalam (people usually call him Yai Aat). Because of this program, more people know Yai Aat and the rank of this program is also rising. We can see in DVD or VCD retailers that there are many of Ngaji Blusukan or Yai Aat’s Pengajian sold there. That is why in this opportunity I want to discuss it in sociological perspective. And since it is a paper to accomplish the final assignment, hopefully I can get god mark and enjoy writing this paper.
First of all I would like to write about the speaker, in this case KH. Aat Ainurussalam. KH. (KH. Means Kyai: the degree given to someone who leads Pesantre and Haji: the tittle or degree given to anyone who has done the pilgrimage) Aad Ainurussalam was born in pesantren (Islamic boarding school) environment in November 27th, 1964 in Jombang Kencong Jember, his father is KH. Imam Suja 'I, the caretakers of Roudlotul Ulum boarding school Kencong Jember the son of KH. Amirun and Nyai (the address for the wife of Kyai/Yai) Hj. Kastiah. His mother is Nyai Hj. Mardliyah.
As we know, Majority people in east java are Muslim. Most of the people send their children to
References: Baker, P. (2010). Sociolinguistics and Corpus Linguistics. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Ltd. Spolsky, B. (2010). Oxford Introduction to Language Study. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Wardhaugh, R. (2006). An Introduction to Sociolinguistics Fifth edition (5 ed.). Oxford: Blackwell Publishing Ltd.