REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE This chapter states the different literature and studies that were conducted for the research to gain familiarity that are relevant and similar to the present study.
Related Literature Ralph M. Stair (1999) emphasized that the development of technology through the years have enabled us to do more with less effort. From the orientation of the light bulb to the industrial revolution and beyond, we have continuously tried to in a more efficient means of doing tasks. Mane (2000) mentioned that the creation of the computer made easier to accomplish that by doing it manually, to have the direct access on straightforward answer just monitoring record where in the needs of computer make possible for everyone to get data in a particular need. We can consider that the computer is necessary and its productive tool for individual. Gurewich (1999) stated that the database system makes the work faster for every institution. For the mere fact that instead of doing things manually, with the use of computer technology everything is done fasters. Bryan(2006) emphasized the information system is a set of people, procedures and resources that collects, transforms and disseminates information in an organization to do’s ends rely on many types of information system (IS). They might include simple manual information system and informal system and also computer based information system that uses hardware, software telecommunication and other forms of information technology (IT). Alcaria(2004) explained that the use of computer are continue to grow, the need for a more timely information and data processing comes on demand, keeping the records of any manual operations need the application of computer because handling it manually will only be conflicting.
Related Studies
A. Foreign Studies Case Western Reserve University (2013) Student Information System, more commonly known as the SIS, is the system of record for student information