Market analysis Coffee
Manole Simona Matei Daniela
Marker research for Coffee on Romanian market
Coffee appeared in the IX century and now it is present everyday in the menu of the majority of the population, in the whole world being consumed over 400 billiard cups of coffee. This means that in average a citizen drinks annually around 67 cups filled with coffee. And this is not all, at the moment if we look at things from a different point of view we can see that related to the total sales volume of the business, coffee industry is the 2nd in the world, being overcome by the oil industry. Thereby, in this area work over 20 million people and country’s that economically specking is dependent by the way this industry performs.
On the global market coffee aside with oil, vinegar and cereals are among the raw materials for export of high value, many coffee manufacturer country’s economic situation depend almost entirely on coffee export for their national well-being. The most important coffee markets are in New York and London, where there are sold and bought Arabica coffee specialties more exactly Robusta.
Coffee’s price depends a lot on the demand and supply and on factors like: climate changes, political movements and quality, as well as the volume of production.
Market area
In Romania coffee consumption began its growth after the year 1990 and now it is consumed daily by more than a half of the mature population. Coffee is commercialized at the level of the entire country but the highest sales are being recorded in city area. Unfortunately because at the lack of information at the moment it is possible only a detailed