Background Information
Coffs Harbour is located on the Mid North Coast, between Sydney and Brisbane. It has a semi-tropical climate consisting of hot summers and mild winters. The Coffs Harbour area experiences high rainfall averaging between 1200 mm to 1700 mm per year, most rainfall occurring in late summer/early autumn.
The landforms surrounding Coffs Harbour influences the rainfall greatly, The Great Dividing Range passes close to the area and the area has no major river systems. Due to these landforms higher rainfalls occurs east of coast due to the moist maritime air rising over the land. This leads to storms. The steep catchment is small in area and this causes flash flooding.
Between 30 March and 3 …show more content…
As a result of the flash flooding the Department of Community Services received over 600 requests for assistance and over 250 grant applications for household contents and damage repairs. It is estimated that the total amount of relief grants paid equalled $525 000.
Due to the floods businesses were damaged and lost stock and income. Not all businesses were covered by insurance and it is estimated the businesses in the Coffs Harbour area lost a total amount of $2.2 million.
Natural environment
Natural environment
The floods left great impact on river systems and the coast. Due to the strong currents of the flood waters river banks and beaches were eroded away. This causes loss of vegetation and habitat for animals that live in those types of areas. Some beaches were closed due to sewerage pollution.
Social Environment costs;
Agency | Item | Cost | DoCS | Financial assistance for flood victims | $525 000 | Dept. Of Commerce | Hardship assistance contractor costs | $25 000 | Ministry of transport | Taxi and Bus services | $1239 | Total | | $551 239