What is cognition? What is cognitive psychology? Why is this area relevant to contemporary psychology? Cognition the mental process of acquiring knowledge and understanding. These processes include thinking, knowing, remembering, judging. This science is very important when making decisions about human behavior patterns. These are high-level functions of the brain and include language, imagination, perception, and planning. Cognitive psychology is the division of psychology that looks at the mental processes with how humans sense, identify, memorize and be trained. This division of psychology is linked to other disciplines like neuroscience, philosophy and linguistics. The key point of cognitive psychology concentration is on how people acquire, process and accumulate information. There are many valuable applications for cognitive research, such as improving memory, increase decision making corrections and building educational curriculum to improve learning. Each process, in the course of which the sensory contribution is changed, reduced, stored, recovered, and used. It is concerned with these processes when they function in the nonexistence of related stimulation, like in the images and hallucinations. Apparent that cognition is drawn on everything a human would probably do; that every psychological occurrence is a cognitive experience. The majority of psychologists does not classify themselves with a particular school of idea. They focus on a particular area or view, frequently they get ideas from a range of theoretical backgrounds. This diverse approach has given new ideas and theories that will continue to structure psychology for years to come. Contemporary psychology is interested in a range of topics, looking at human behavior and mental process from the neural level to the cultural level. What can enrichment (environmental influences) and deprivation studies tell us about the role of the environment in cognitive development? It is often
References: 1. www.simplypsychology.org Jean Piaget | Cognitive Theory - Simply Psychology 2. http://www.freezingblue.com/iphone/flashcards/printPreview.cgi 3. Cognitive Psychology and its implication