
Cognitive Behavior Therapy: A Case Study

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As the counselor/therapist by using cognitive behavior therapy in assisting Andrea to recognize negative patterns of thoughts assessed by her validity and interchange them with healthier ways of thinking. Cognitive therapy may vary to a certain extent in how provoked patterns of maladaptive beliefs/ schema, automatic thoughts and behaviors. Behavioral method will be used in altering maladaptive cognitions and behaviors some form of is such as data collection, role play, disputation, and hypothesis testing to alter cognitive errors. Such behavior methods include stimulus control, contingency management, activity scheduling, role play, direct teaching of skills.
Goals 1. Is to aid Andrea in monitoring her behavior, and to gain stimulus
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As the scriptures read a man that wins a soul is wise (KJV). Therefore as the counselor/therapist, one must be knowledgeable and skilled integrating biblical principles without making my client feel overwhelmed with the process (Butman & Jones, 2011).
Spiritual integration in counseling can be significant and applied. It has been reported based on collected data that support how theories of counseling can be improved or heighten by Christian values (McMinn, 2011).
Cognitive behavior therapy is science based or naturalism based therefore it does not acknowledge that God is real, it alludes that humans are sinful and suggest that people are proficient of self- recovery (Butman & Jones, 2011). Although it appears to be good to integrate prayer and scripture with (CBT) and has been empirical proven to be beneficial there are some who will not accept it (Tan, 2007).
Spirituality issues may also surface in treatment when spirituality act as fundamental aspects of my client’s culture and conflict with the acculturation process (Worthington & Sandage, 2002). In other words, beliefs regarding spirituality define one’s existence. These same convictions often serve as obstacles to acculturation into

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