Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will be utilized for the Bully Survival Support Group in that it focuses on the connection between an individual’s thoughts, feelings and behavior. The group facilitator presumes that Cognitive Behavioral Therapy will allow for the students to express their feelings/emotions, increase self-esteem, learn coping skills, as well as reduce anxiety, fear of attending school and other negative emotions associated with their experiences.
Cognitive Behavioral Therapy have numerous assumptions that provides its theoretical rationale. One fundamental assumption is that an individual's behavior and mood are mainly determined by the way he or she psychologically perceives the world …show more content…
The theory is exact in specific goals, and target behaviors that may be unhealthy for an individual, as well as beneficial procedures; that are well-defined in clear and measurable terms (Corey, 2016). This theory is unified by its concept and techniques being imbedded in experimental research and its problem focused orientation (Corey, 2016). In addition, Cognitive behavioral therapy provides consideration to replacing maladaptive cognitions, behaviors, and emotions with more positive/healthy ones (Nichols, 2013). A majority of individuals with psychological disorders, mainly depression, and anxiety have been found to display maladaptive assumptions and thoughts (Beck et al., 1983). Linking this to the Bully Survival Support Group, the leader will be able to utilize CBT to assist group members replace their maladaptive thinking pattern which includes; assuming that it is their fault that they are being bullied and or acceptance of the negative words from the bullies. An example could be “I think they are correct, I am fat and ugly”. Though the members of the group may not have psychological disorder, the leader anticipates that the traumatizing experience from being bullied which brings about the feeling of depression and low self-esteem can lead to psychological problems. On the other hand, self-esteem has an impact on both mental and …show more content…
In other words, Cognitive behavioral therapy is greatly directed on behavior change hence may undermine the clients’ experience of emotions (Corey, 2016). The inability of the leader to acknowledge members emotions might indicate that she is minimizing their problems, ignoring their emotions or not being empathetic. The leader feels that there is a need for the session to be flexible in a way that allow for more expression of feelings and emotions rather than being overly rigid. This will prevent members from perceiving the group as a classroom or too imposing (authoritative). The non-rigid procedure will allow the group the opportunity to communicate freely as well as express their feelings and gain feedback amongst themselves which is one of the main purpose of the BSSG (Corey, 2016). Moreover, the ability to communicate and express emotions and feelings will enable the members gain support from each other, as well as realizing that they are not alone in their experiences. Finally, the theory focusses exclusively on techniques and solving specific problems rather than the individual (Corey, 2016). The group leader feel it is essential to solve members’ problems, while also trying to ascertain or monitor their level of progress