Understand children and young person development CYP 3.1
Cognitive Development
Birth to 3 months
Most new-born babies can focus on and will follow a moving object with their eyes. Infants are exploring their world through sucking, grasping, gazing, etc.
At 3 months old a baby can recognise faces, copy facial expressions and respond to sounds.
6 to 9 months.
At 6 months a baby can imitate sounds. They realize that they can pick up an object when it is dropped. They can recognise their own name when called.
At 9 months a baby can understand simple words like yes or no. They will start to test parent’s reactions to behaviour, such as throwing food on the floor.
1 year to 18 months.
Babies at 1 year old can speak 2 to 4 simple words, for example mum and dad.
They will mimic animal noises and develop attachments to objects like a toy or a blanket.
At 18 months infants can understand 10 to 50 words and identify body parts.
2 Years.
A 2 year old child will mirror another person’s behaviour after it has occurred. The control the child has can give him/her self-esteem. They start to gain more independence and understand discipline and inappropriate behaviour. They can understand words like please and thank you.
They begin to add around 10 new words every day and understand aspects of everyday life, for example going shopping, telling the time and bed time.
3 to 4 years.
At 3 they become curious about people, models adults, and become aware of gender differences. They will start to use their imagination and memory skills in play by pretending an object is something else. They can match an object with a picture in a book and may know numbers and count to that number. 5 to 6 years.
Takes on new responsibilities and learns new skills. Can count to 10 or more and can name 4 or 5 colours correctly. Will recognise things that are used in every day occurrence.
7 to 9 Years
At this age children will focus on one part of an object at a time.