I. Historical and Cultural Development of Cognitive Level of Analysis
A. The cognitive level of analysis studies cognition: all the mental structures and processes involved in the reception, storage, and use of knowledge.
B. The cognitive level of analysis studies the mind, according to this approach it is an information-processing system, functions much like a computer
C. Cognitive psychology studies cognition, viewed in terms of information-processing, by means of established scientific methods
D. Behaviorism was a very influential 20th century movement, based on the premise that mental processes could not be studied scientifically, called behaviorists
E. Watson (1913), father of behaviorism
F. Pavlov (1928), influential in his studies of classical conditioning, dogs and salivation
a. The researcher conducting this study was Ivan Pavlov
b. Aim: to observe the process of salivation in dogs, which would lead to the discovery of classical conditioning, in which an organism comes to associate stimuli
c. Method: laboratory experiment
d. Procedure: They paired various neutral stimuli, such as a tone, with food in the mouth to see if the dog would begin salivating to the neutral stimuli alone. To eliminate the possible influence of extraneous stimuli, they isolated the dog in a small room, secured it in a harness, and attached a device that diverted its saliva to a measuring instrument. From an adjacent room they could present food, at first by sliding in a food bowl, later by blowing meat powder into the dog’s mouth at a precise moment. Just before placing food in the dog’s mouth to produce salivation, Pavlov sounded a tone
e. Results: After several pairings of tone and food, the dog began salivating to the tone alone, in anticipation of the meat powder. Using this procedure, Pavlov conditioned dogs to salivate to other stimuli, a buzzer, a light, a touch on the leg, even the sight of a circle
f. Interpretation of