One of the most dramatic trends of recent years has been the tremendous increase in male-female couples who choose to live together without marrying, a practice called cohabitation. According to the 2000 Census, there are eleven million unmarried people living with an unmarried partner in the United States today, and this number has grown 72% in the last decade alone. While many people like David Popenoe, a Professor of Sociology, on his essay Sociological Reasons Not to Live Together suggests that living together is not a good way to prepare for marriage or to avoid divorce. There is another point of view like an organization called The Alternatives to Marriage Project (AtMP) believes that unmarried relationships should deserve validation and support.
David Popenoe said that those who live together before marriage have higher separation and divorce rates. To support the thesis, David found many studies to conclude that living in a non-marital union has a direct negative impact on subsequent marital stability. He reported the findings of Yale University sociologist Neil Bennett that cohabiting women were 80% more likely to separate or divorce than were women who had not lived with their spouses before marriage. He also take the other study in the Journal of Marriage and Family (Binstock 2003), it found within two years, 32.4 percent of cohabiting couples in the study had separated, while only 8.3 percent of the married couples did. On the allegation that cohabitation increases the risk of divorce, AtMP take the study from Marriage and Family Formation Data Analysis Project, March 2003. This study showed that although cohabitation engenders somewhat more liberal attitudes toward divorce, it does not increase the likelihood of marital disruption. AtMP argue that those studies ' conclusions are frequently misrepresented in the media because the most consistent and strongest predictor of whether a given