The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services is responsible for answering and addressing all matters of public health for the population of the Michigan. Michigan Department of Health and Human Services works to retain this goal through a mixture of primary prevention, preventing sicknesses before they occur, secondary prevention and reducing the burden of un-wellness once it's occurred. The goals of the responsibilities of Michigan Department of Health and Human Services needs constant attention through health intervention, local law enforcement authorities programs and effective communication and coordination with multiple levels of presidency (local, city, and federal). The Michigan Department of Health and Human Services conducts…
7. Language: What are the contexts of diction; chains of significant relation; parts of speech emphasized; tenses; and so on?…
Audio: To help us develop our writing, it helps to think of our paragraph as the stages of a stoplight. At a green light, a driver puts his or her foot on the gas pedal and proceeds to "go." When we write, we begin a paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the point of our paragraph. This sentence tells us where the paragraph is going to "go."…
Transition words and devices are useful in helping the paper to flow. Sequence is most used in essay writing.…
3. Contrast- A device where two objects or ideas are put in opposition to one another to show or emphasize the differences between them (Ex: Lockwood compared…
This page is brought to you by the OWL at Purdue ( When printing this page, you must include the entire legal notice at bottom.…
Each paragraph should stick to its topic and not break unity or coherence by discussing ideas that belong in other paragraphs. All paragraphs will serve to prove your thesis.…
1 IF possible mention any comparison or juxtaposition…..OR 'additionally, alternatively' mention extra texts or references or meanings…
In the justice system, there comes a time or two when a criminal is sentenced to the death penalty. It takes a huge amount of evidence to convict and sentence a criminal to this kind of capital punishment. Not only does the criminal spend time awaiting lethal injection when it is their time to serve out their sentence, but the criminal also has to wait on average twelve years for this sentence (Death Penalty Information Center 2013). During this time (up to twelve years) the criminal is confined to a single cell by themselves for an average of twenty-three hours a day (Death Penalty Information Center 2013). Only having one hour a day with people is considered extreme isolation for the criminals on death row. The extreme isolation the criminals withstand on death row can easily cause mental illness. Death row criminals do not have the same rights as other criminals and are not able to receive education training or be able to work (Death Penalty Information Center 2013). Death row criminals cannot do anything besides wait, which is an average of twelve years. This is a major problem with this type of capital punishment. Criminals who have been sentenced to the death penalty should receive their punishment within a year of conviction because it would reduce the criminals’ time in isolation, reduce overpopulation issues within prisons, and it brings closure to the victims’ families in a more reasonable time.…
After reading the article That Day At Hiroshima, I can hardly image that just in one second, everything turned into black. Thousands of people died and thousands of people had to suffer in the rest of their lives. That picture is too cruel to thinking about.…
I think that , I believe that , I have come to the conclusion that,…
Writers don’t let their thoughts wander aimlessly. They think logically. They organize details in patterns. In the written language these patterns help you follow ideas more easily and, therefore, improve your understanding of the text. Authors use transition words and phrases to create patterns within their writing. The following are common patterns of organization and transitions used in writing. Time Order/Process Pattern Ideas or events are presented in the order they occur. Sequences are told through dates, times, or numbers. Processes are explained through steps or stages. Time Order/Process Transition Words: first, second, later, next, as soon as, after, then, finally, meanwhile, last, during, when, by the time, over time, until, step, stage, method, procedure, how to Example: When Althea first began to drink, she just did not realize the risks she faced. Over time, her drinking slowly but surely took total control of her life. The transition words when, first, and over time indicate a sequence in Althea’s life. Listing Pattern Items are named or listed as the details, and the order of the details is not important. Listing Transition Words: first, second, third, another, also, too, finally, several, numerals (1,2,3 ), letters (a,b,c) Example: One way to overcome boredom is by turning on the television. Another way is to read a good book. The author is presenting a list of two ways to overcome boredom. The transition words one and another indicate the two ways. Addition Pattern This pattern is actually a form of listing. Changing the order of the details does not change their meaning. Transitions of addition indicate that the writer is using a second idea along with the first one. The writer presents an idea and then adds other ideas to deepen or clarify the first idea. Addition Transition Words: furthermore, additionally, also, besides, further, in addition, moreover, again, and, final, first of all, first,…
6) Transition: Next important fact. Use transition words to help the story flow. They can be facts, indirect facts indirect quotes or partial quotes…
• Coordinating conjunctions join words or word groups that are used in the same way.…
(used to indicate inclusion within or occurrence during a period or limit of time): in ancient times; a task done in ten minutes.…