Assignment 1
COIS20024 – System Management Overview
Term 1, 2014
Prepared and Submitted by
Tutor: Kenneth Howah
Due Date: 21 March 2014
Date Submitted: 20 March 2014
&ŝdž /ƚ EŽǁ
Annotated Bibliography
Zhu, Y 2009, 'Exploratory Study on Value of Information Systems to Electrical Construction
Companies: Resource-Based View ', Journal Of Management In Engineering, 25, 2, pp. 5058, Business Source Complete, viewed 17 March 2014.
In this article, Yimin Zhu (2009) clarified the value of information system to generate better business for small and medium size company and lead to improvement for competitive advantage. The author use five studies case from five anonymous companies to prove that most small company is very competent with the physical information, however lacking of the capabilities of strategically integrating information system with the business and the competitive partners which explain the reason why the company couldn’t raise into the competitive market which could lead to the success market of the business. The aim of this research is to define the information system capabilities, competitive preference, and their connection. The limitation of this article is that it wasn’t cover to long term competitive preference of validation hypotheses and business determination. However, this article will benefit to my research as it’s relevant to answer my case study question number 1.
&ŝdž /ƚ EŽǁ
Annotated Bibliography
Gohmann, S, Guan, J, Barker, R, & Faulds, D 2013, 'Requirements Fulfillment: A Missing
Link between Requirements Determination and User Acceptance ', Information Systems
Management, 30, 1, pp. 63-74, Business Source Complete, viewed 19 March 2014.
In this article, Gohmann et al. (2013) review the important of information requirements which needed to be fulfilled in order to the success of information system. The authors use the data of IRD to identify the requirement to match with
Bibliography: In this article, Langley et al (2013) examines the method of change in organization. The authors studied on the determinant of issue, occur, increase, or eliminate over the period of