The Reasons for Seeking Counseling Career
Name …………………………………………
Course: …………………………………………..
Professor: ……………………………………….
University Of: ……………………………………
Date: ……………………………………………….
Self Analysis: Reasons for Seeking a Counseling Degree
Knowledge, from time immemorial has been a tool of immense empowerment if directed positively toward the right direction. This blatant awareness has channeled my vision into pursuing education to a reasonable level. It has become imperative in this contemporary competitive world, if one is to make a hallmark success in one’s chosen career, to attain a competitive level of education, such as master level. Hence, I have decided to apply for a master degree. Yet again, my relatively rough background and personal experiences have committed me to decide to use my acquired knowledge to the very optimum. My vision is to impact my immediate environment with all I have. Hence, my choice of a course that would enable me to help others. I have favoured Counseling career over several other equally challenging careers basically because of my childhood struggles and other relatively rough upbringing. As a youth, diverse struggles with life have made me climb the success ladder, fending for myself and also taking care of my younger siblings. Taking up such responsibility over time has not only made me familiar with the duty of attending to people’s need, it has also made me committed into caring for people’s emotional problems. Always readily resolving my brothers’ and sisters’ diverse needs and problems has made me quite empathetic, always willing and ready to solve people’s problem. Again, because of having once had my own fair share of problems over time, I am aware of how depressing problems could be on human psychology, most especially when there is nobody around to discuss such problems with, hence carrying the burden all alone. I am aware that these