What happens when you drop mentos in to Diet Coke?
When I drop the Mint Mentos in to the Diet Coke I think it will cause some sort of an explosion.
For this experiment you will need
- One 2 litre bottle of Diet Coke
- One roll of White Mint Mentos
- Space outdoors
- Clothes that you wouldn't mind getting wet or dirty
Step 1. Change your clothes into ones you wouldn't mind getting wet or dirty.
Step 2. Put the Two litre bottle of Diet Coke on the ground in an outdoor environment and take off the cap when it is steady.
Step 3. Open the mentos and put five in to your hand.
Step 4. Put the needle and string through the mentos, making a string of mentos Step 5. Drop the string of Mentos in to the Diet Coke and Watch
During this experiment I observed that it didn't fizz up again after most of the Coke was lost in the first attempt. I also noticed that when the experiment finsished the mentos used were smaller than before, and slightly yellow
Background Research:
When I researched this project I discovered that the potassium benzo-ate, aspartame, and carbon dioxide gas that is in the Diet Coke, com-bined with the gelatin and gum arabic ingredients in the mint mentos cause the foam. The structure of the mentos is very important because of nucleation. It is important to use mint flavoured Mentos because fla-voured Mentos have a waxy coating, causing less of a reaction. Mint flavoured Mentos have small holes on the surface, therefore giving mo-re surface area available for the reaction, allowing the carbon dioxide bubbles to form fast enough for the geizer nature of the experiment.