Focus Objectives
1. Develop two (2) complete nursing diagnoses related to thermal treatments.
Hypothermia related to immersion in cold water as evidenced by muscle rigidity and shivering. (411)
Risk for shock related to hypovolemia. (721)
Impaired Tissue Integrity related to extremes temperature as evidenced by damage integument. (803)
Risk for imbalanced body temperature related to hot environments. (105)
2. Discuss and explain the 4 methods of heat transmission.
Hot water bags are often utilized at home because it is inexpensive. The temperature should range from 46 to 52-degrees Celsius (115-125-degrees Fahrenheit); utilize a bath thermometer to measure the temperature. If the temperature is within range fill …show more content…
Moreover, utilize an isotonic saline, wound cleanser, or an antimicrobial solution. If an antimicrobial solution is utilized, dilute it well and warm the solution to body temperature; but do not utilize a microwave to avoid overheating. If the wound appears contaminated clean it every time the dressing is changed. Do not utilize cotton balls, instead utilize gauze squares or a nonwoven swab that do not shed. To perform sterile wound care; first utilize clean gloves to remove the dressing and properly dispose the soiled dressing. Then perform hand hygiene and set up a sterile field. Next, open the sterile dressing while utilizing surgical aseptic technique and place the drape near the wound. Then, open the sterile solution and pour it on the gauze in the container. Now, apply the sterile gloves and proceed with cleaning the wound with the gloved hands or forceps utilizing the gauze with the solution on it. Always keep the forceps tip lower than the handles to prevent the contaminated fluids from coming in contact with the handle or the wrist. Utilize a clean sterile swab for each stroke and clean from the top to bottom starting at the center of the wound. Likewise, you could clean outward from the incision, again starting at the center of the wound and utilizing a clean sterile swab for each stroke. To clean around a Penrose drainage site, swab the area in half or full circles while moving outward and utilizing a clean sterile swab for each stroke. Then dry the surrounding area, but not the wound itself. Next, apply a precut gauze around the drain, and a sterile dressing over the drain and incision. Apply the final surgipad; remove and discard gloves, then secure the dressing with tape. Finally, perform hand hygiene and document the procedure. (849,