Yolanda Spencer
History 145
September 25, 2013
Rona Staurt
For me living under the threat of nuclear war would have been horrendous for me and my family. Living in fear everyday knowing that at any moment a country could drop a nuclear bomb on me and my family and annihilate us is a very scary thought. To live under threat of a nuclear war is to have the realization that your destiny and your family destiny is in the hands of a country that your country may be at odds with. It is the realization that you may not have control over what is going to happen tomorrow. The threat of nuclear war and the threat of terrorism have some similarities as well as differences. The similarities would be that someone could end your life or your family life without you knowing when and where. Both nuclear war and terrorism has the threat of harming innocent civilians who most likely don't have anything to do with the conflict that is going on. The differences would be the threat of a nuclear war could only come from another country. These days the threat of terrorism to me is a much more real and present danger. Today anyone can be a terrorist. Today anyone can build a bomb in their basement with the help of the internet. This man made bomb that can easily be assembled is then taken into your local mall or at a very public place like we saw in the Boston Marathon Bombings. There is no face to terrorism these days and he or she has to take precautions and be aware of their surroundings. In conclusion both nuclear war and terrorism strikes fear in the hearts of everyone. Both are design to wreak havoc and will kill many innocent people who have nothing to do with the conflict. I feel both are unacceptable ways to fix a problem because how can the problem be fixed with more bloodshed. We have to find another way to resolve issues as a country and as people.