An example of the “Executive Order” in our world today is President Donald Trump not allowing Muslim population to enter the United States, I understand that he is trying to protect the United States, but not all Muslims deserve to be banned from the country. If the Muslims haven’t done anything wrong (especially if they are trying to gain citizenship into the United States and haven’t caused any problems), banning them from the country is doing an injustice to them, just like it was wrong to force the Japanese-Americans out of their homes. It shows how the United States government uses its power, and at times, they base their decisions on assumptions instead of actually doing
An example of the “Executive Order” in our world today is President Donald Trump not allowing Muslim population to enter the United States, I understand that he is trying to protect the United States, but not all Muslims deserve to be banned from the country. If the Muslims haven’t done anything wrong (especially if they are trying to gain citizenship into the United States and haven’t caused any problems), banning them from the country is doing an injustice to them, just like it was wrong to force the Japanese-Americans out of their homes. It shows how the United States government uses its power, and at times, they base their decisions on assumptions instead of actually doing