Autumn J. Thorpe
National Paralegal College
Collaboration and Innovation at Procter & Gamble
Case Study Questions
1. What is Procter & Gamble’s business strategy? What is the relationship of collaboration and innovation to that business strategy? Procter & Gamble have three main strategies these include: 1) Maintaining the need for current products. 2) Making new developments to current products. 3) Creating brand new products. Since most of P & G’s global business is centered on brand maintenance and new brand creation it’s very important that the company use collaboration and innovation technologies to communicate between all departments. Having everyone at every level on the same page is necessary with such a large corporation allowing for less hassle and more results.
2. How is P & G using collaboration systems to execute its business model and business strategy? List and describe the collaboration systems and technologies it is using and the benefits of each. They have found ways to now make sure that all employees have access to any documents, research, and data. Allowing for all aspects of the business to work on a more efficient basis. 1) SharePoint allows for store presentations, research, data, and any other documents to be shared between all employees. Making sure that unlike old systems everyone who could possibly benefit from the information has access to it. 2) Teamcenter which is based on SharePoint so that employees can easily use them together provides sharing of visual product data. 3) Connectbeam works like a search engine with the added benefit of allowing employees within the company to tag certain words or phrases so that searching in the future or by other employees is easier. Also has features that act like a social network within the company so that information can be shared on a much swifter basis. 4) InnovationNet like SharePoint allows storage of documents but in a
References: Procter & Gamble. Connect + Develop. N.p., n.d. Web. 2014. "Assignments & Exams Course: Management Information Systems: MIS-201-1405 Assignment: Assignment #1: Procter & Gamble." National Paralegal College. N.p., n.d. Web. .