Those that educate –, the class teachers, subject teachers, special education needs teachers and support workers, the professionals who advise the key personnel and assist in resolving issues – the school director, head teachers, section heads, special education needs co-ordinator (SENCO).
SENCOs work very closely with the head teacher and governing body in determining the strategic development of Special Education Needs (SEN) policy. The SENCO is responsible for the day-to-day operation of the school's SEN policy. He/she has to ensure that children with special educational needs and disabilities within a school …show more content…
He/she takes direct orders from the Director.
The Head Teacher provides professional leadership for the school’s faculty staff. He / she has to ensure high quality education for all pupils and continually work to improve standards of learning and achievement so as to keep up with the world’s progressive trend. Areas of focus for the Head Teacher are:
Strategic direction and development of the school: Head Teachers, working with the governing body, develop a strategic view for the school within its community; they analyse and plan for future needs and further development within the local, national and international context.
Teaching and learning: Head Teachers, working with the governing body, secure and sustain effective teaching and learning throughout the school, monitor and evaluate the quality of teaching and standards of pupils' achievement, and use benchmarks and set targets for improvement.
Leading and managing staff: Head Teachers lead, motivate, support, challenge and develop staff to ensure progress.
Efficient and effective deployment of staff and resources: Head Teachers deploy people and resources efficiently and effectively to meet specific objectives in line with the school's strategic plan and financial …show more content…
Firstly, the child’s family, then the school director, Head Teacher, SENCO, Pastoral Care Coordinator, Subject teachers, Special Needs teachers, Teaching assistants, Support workers, Paediatrician, and Educational psychologists. There may be other professionals, both internal and external; it will depend on children’s needs and disabilities. These may be physiotherapists, psychiatrists, play specialists, speech and language therapists, occupational therapists, nutritionists, social workers, nurses, general therapists, behaviour management specialists, educational welfare officers, family workers, police officers, learning mentors and many more.
The Team Around the Child (TAC) brings all the professionals together to work together as a team, in order to support the children and their family, and to deliver a package of solution based integrated support identified through a common assessment. It is important to keep records of everything that we do, so that, in the end, we can pass it on to the people involved with the welfare of the