We are losing profits on tobacco products. We are the only tobacco company that is international and have the worse results on the S & P 500.
Every time you turn on the television there is an anti-tobacco advertisement. The Government resorts to taxing our company more whenever there is a bill passed through legislature. Consumers are no longer able to smoke inside because of bans made by politicians.
New York is trying to raise the tobacco purchasing legal age from 18 to 21. Other states my follow suite.
Imagine a company like us making a controversial business campaign to purchase Cannabis Science Inc., an established pharmaceutical and marijuana dispensary company in the North West. Cannabis Science Inc. is not just your typical marijuana dispensary company, as it produces cannabis in a variety of forms, including as a topical ointment. We will become the first tobacco company to produce and distribute a product that is seen to help consumer.
Every Generation has its economic boom, for instance do you recall the early 2000 dot.com boom, what about the housing boom in 2006 housing, and now here were are in 2014 and Phillip Morris is behind the marijuana boom. This is prohibition of 1925 just a hundred years later!
Not only will we be helping society but our profit possibilities will be unmeasurable and unpredictable.
The cannabis plant is the most commonly used illicit drug in the United States, as it is estimated that over 17 million Americans use the ‘green stuff’ every year. While it has many other names like ganja, weed, herb, Mary Jane, bud, kush, and pot – to name a few – both users and non-users can agree that it represents a lucrative market for producers and distributors. In fact, it is estimated