Smoking can cause problems to the bones, they become brittle and weak, women smokers being more at risk of bone problems. (Smokefree NHS) As well as nicotine, there are more than 4,000 chemicals in tobacco smoke, of which many are poisons. At least 60 of these chemicals cause cancer. (Boots Web MD Partners in Health, 2009-2015) Smoking can have psychological effects and impacts as well as physical. Many health experts define smoking also as a psychological addiction, an addiction which is usually more challenging to overcome. (Encyclopaedia of Children’s Health, 2016) Psychological effects of smoking are accompanied in how nicotine physically affects a person’s brain, nicotine being a psychomotor stimulant. (Gum 2011-2014) Mood variations within smoking people has been revised as a short-term nicotine withdrawal. Many smoking people believe smoking is a form of relieving stress, increases their current mood and a form of coping with anxiety, however it has been found that smoking actually causes these upon an individual. It increases ones tension and anxiety levels and overtime are more likely of developing anxiety and/or depression. Researcher’s state that it is in fact smoking that causes the psychological disturbances in the beginning. (NHS Choices,…