Collective security during the interwar period
The term ‘collective security’ can be defined as a security agreement in which all states cooperate directly, collectively, and and every state accepts that the security of one is in the concern of all. In other words, when one of the states part of this agreement violates the rights to freedom of other nations, all other member states will have to join forces to restore peace, penalizing the aggressor state. This model is based on participation and compulsoriness. An agressor state is about to meet a united opposition of the entire world community. The concept of collective security is based on the consent of all or the majority of states to act against any state that unlawfully violates peace. The main idea of collective security is the assumption that no state will want to change the power and order of world community, and if so, all other states will act together against the aggressor state in order to reestablish the global equilibrium. An ideal collective security organization assumes a very high degree of congruent interest among its members.1 Interstate rivalry and power politics and effectively elliminated.2
As a legal form of states’ cooperation, a collective security system differs from any traditional alliance. The alliance is the way in which a state gets benefits in the event of a conflict after an agreement with another state or several states involved to a predetermined level to maintain their common interest. Alliances form because weak states band together against great powers in order to survive in an anarchic international system.3 The alliance pattern involves the decision to change or maintain the balance of power at local, regional or global level. In general, an alliance has on the other side another alliance with opposite purposes. It is, therefore, a structure of bloc against bloc.
Arising from the
Bibliography: MORGENTHAU, Hans J., International Affairs: The Ressurection of Neutrality in Europe”, The American Political Science Review, vol. 33, nr. 3; Politica Externă a României – 19 prelegeri publice organizate de Institutul Social Român, Institutul Social Român, Bucureşti, 1926; SCUTARU, Ioan, România şi Marile Puteri, editura Fundaţiei „România de Mâine”, Bucuresti, 1999; KUPCHAN, Charles A. and KUPCHAN Clifford A., Concerts, Collective Security and the Future of Europe, International Security, Vol. 16, No.1, Summer 1991; RISSE-KAPPEN, Thomas, Collective Identity in a Democratic Community: The case of NATO, 1996. MIROIU, Andrei, Balanţă şi Hegemonie: România în politica mondială, 1913 – 1989, Editura Tritonic, Bucureşti, 2005.