If I could revisit the days of my youth then I would change so much, and accomplish my dreams through the use of my sage-like knowledge and eternally valuable experience that has been accumulated throughout my ephemeral life-time. Unfortunately I can only do this vicariously, but I would like to tell the youth of today my advice to them so that they may live a more prosperous life. First, one of the most fruitful pieces I can give to the young is that if you see something one the ground, be it credit cards, money, or food you should always pick it up and keep it. For instance, if someone drops money it is more than likely that they dropped it because they want someone to have it, but if they may have dropped by accident
then in that case you must do the right thing and take it from him or her to teach them that money is only for those who are responsible enough to make sure they do not lose it. No matter what anyone tells you about returning lost items to their owners, you should only keep one thing in mind: finders keepers, losers weepers. Of all the things that I can tell you, one thing you should always remember is that it will be most commodious to you if you take the proper measures to ensure that you live life to the fullest. By this I mean, that you should sit as close to the television as possible, but of course there will always be the question of whether it is good for you or not. This I cannot answer, because I'm not a doctor, but who knows? Maybe if I sat a little closer to the television I would have become a doctor, and then I would be able to answer the question.
As you go through life you will find that there are many people who will try to come along and dampen your experiences with things they like to call "safety regulations", but lucky for you I am here to tell you which ones are superfluous. We are all too familiar with the phrase "stop, drop, and roll" which refers to what should be done if you're clothes are to catch on fire. I've never actually been in a "real" fire but that's inconsequential, if your making inferences. Trust me, don't bother to "stop, drop, and roll" it doesn't help you just end up looking very stupid in front of anyone watching, besides if your entire body were engulfed in flames would you still take the time to "stop, drop, and roll", of course not it would be much easier to take off your flaming clothes. If you managed to read this far then I beg you; if you take away anything from my series of advices, let it be this: always take candy from strangers. I often lay awake at night thinking of all the chances I missed to get some candy, but I don't want you to make the same mistakes as me so I'm telling you, you should accept anything a stranger gives you, after all how often do people offer you free things. If you get lucky the stranger may ask you to come to their car, this is especially good if they are wearing a large trench coat because, what this means is that they have a lot of candy in their pockets, and if they drive a large van then fate has smiled upon you because, it is more than likely that they have even more delicious candy in their van. Most importantly if they ask you if you need a ride home then you should definitely accept because, these days the price of gas is ridiculous and carpooling is a great idea. I hope that you will take my advice seriously, and that it will help you in anything you endeavor to achieve in life, and as a final word to the wise: remember to floss.