As such, I took apart my computer and delved into the world that I am so passionate about today. Over the years, I broke many more computers and took some apart to fix the problems. Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, the author of Faust, once said, “By seeking and blundering we learn”. My earlier attempts were not so successful- I was nervous, exploring the …show more content…
I was a small fry, pushed and shoved around trying to figure out my way around this new large building. Despite being so lost, I found myself in a large auditorium one day, filled with other underclassmen who were just as passionate about technology as I was. I found solace in the robotics club where I met people who were much more educated about computers and technology than I was. How the robots were assembled combining individual parts, movements that were created with a peculiar language and program I couldn’t comprehend- it all fascinated me. My curiosity, which initially birthed my passion for technology, strongly urged me to join this club. I submitted to that urge and as a result, I learned the mechanics behind building a robot and tested the waters of