artificial beautification. It is important to seek out a cosmetic professional to complete one of those ever so quick, painless and perfect surgeries that you may often see on television. All it takes is a short trip under the knife, scalpel or syringe. Tummy tucks, nose jobs, botox and boob jobs would be just a couple of crucial procedures that you will need to practice complete vanity. Now, if your just want a short-term solution to any facial imperfections, simply go for a couple of pounds of foundation, followed by a tonne of cover-up and finished with a kilogram of bronzer. For those vain women with smaller breasts, how about trying an extra-padded push-up bra? For maximum impact add a sock in each cup to "grow" an extra size. If questioned about the peculiar cloth that may accidentally peek out of your brassiere, act dumbfounded as to how on earth it ended up there. Now, for male beautification, there are always nose jobs, enlargements of your "member" and even botox. After a few short modifications, you'll be as good as new and ready to embrace your perfection. Make it clear to anyone you associate with how wonderful and truly perfect you are visually.
As a daily routine, be sure to grab all electronic devices within the vicinity that will allow you to capture photographs of your perfect face and body. It doesn't matter whether they are your's or a friend's, your positive that your friend will feel extremely lucky that his/her camera is in your godly hands. Confidently take five to seven self-portraits and showcase your best shots on at least Facebook, Myspace, and Google. Don't forget to include at least one photograph of your most charismatic, most lovable and most charming smile. Carrying a mirror around is an added bonus because you can touch-up to perfection whenever and wherever you travel to. Look for reflective materials and make sure to check your image each time you pass by such an object. As a man, show off your chiseled and perfect body parts because you are the Earth's sexiest hunk. Wander about with the philosophy that not a single human being can top your physical charm. Flaunt your self-obsession to anyone and anything and surely people will start excessively talking about
you. Lastly, persistently bring up how intimidating you are to the opposite sex. As a male, tell women how you make other women weak in their knees when you honour them with your presence. Also, in the company of the opposite sex, ignore all friends and focus on spreading your self-confidence to all possible candidates. Furthermore, in terms of cranial capacity, it's a sad reality that the worthless maggots out there aren't as fortunate to possess exclusive intellectual powers like you. "Intimidate" others by parading around and "awing" people with your complex verbal abilities. Do this by basically, digging deep into your massive brain and regurgitating random facts being sure that anyone who points out your logical fallacies will regret even opening his/her mouth. Do this by a series of insults that are sure to publicly embarrass them. If you manage to leave your audience speechless, think to yourself "Ah, I'm such a perfect person" and move on to charm another group of people. In addition, for maximum intimidation, be condescending just because you are of a non-exclusive, merely optional member of a school club. All in all, firmly deny any accusations that you are bragging and strongly emphasize that you are sharing your joy with the rest of the world.
With these tips, you can effectively illustrate to the world your superiority. Vanity has become overwhelmingly trendy these days as trendy as wasting money on an endless array of clothes which you'll end up wearing once or twice. Initially, you must maximum your perfection through aesthetic surgeries and treatments. Subsequently, you should show how much you cannot get enough of yourself. And conclusively, point out how frequently you leave both genders in overawe as you bless them with your presence. So, just remember, as the reincarnation of Narcissus, you deserve excessive appreciation, just for the sake of being alive.