I have faced a numerous amount of difficulties in the past, but never thought there would be a day, my supportive parents, would oppose to my desires. My world seemed to be over, due to their disapproval. As all good things in life, it …show more content…
My form of communication with my parents, was through my siblings. I was tired of playing their childish game. I confronted them again and again. Maintaining a positive attitude was my main goal. I spoke with my parents one last time, in hopes to comfort me. I was relieved, after two long, painful weeks, they finally spoke to me. I told them we were wasting time, instead of facing reality. We discussed how this was eventually, going to happen. They didn't want it to happen so fast. They explained how as parents, watching their little girl leave is heartbreaking. I guess the silent treatment was their way of screaming out,” don't leave!” I felt my heart suddenly break, when I heard these everlasting words. There is a lot of risks you have to take, when it comes to college. Sometimes, those you love will not agree with you. They might give you the cold shoulder, but you have to be strong and firm. The greatest lesson I learned is if you stand up for what you want, even if you stand alone, you have to