My attendance is excellent, I have never missed the day of a test, never turned in late homework, and I make sure to complete all of my homework even if I am sick. School is my top priority. I realize the importance of exceptional grades, however, I also feel the knowledge I am obtaining now will aid me through the rest of my life. I have learned many valuable lessons in school. Although I may not remember the Law of Sines, or who won the Trojan War ten years from now, there are important lessons that will stick with me throughout the rest of my life. The fundamental skills I have developed are: organization methods, problem solving, and how to interact with people who have a wide range of personalities and backgrounds.
Up to this point, my …show more content…
All of these words accurately describe who I am. I have acquired these traits over time, and they are displayed through my everyday actions. I work as hard as I can to be the best I can be. My ultimate goal is to find a career that provides me with happiness. There are people who say “I have never worked a day in my life!” And no, I am not talking about people who legitimately have NEVER worked, this is a reference to people who have jobs they love. To reach serendipity would be a grand achievement that I hope to make. My absolute goal is to challenge myself to ensure self-enrichment, and spread happiness. A theory I have is that happiness leads to success. The more I spread happiness and creativity, the happier I am myself. Over time I have realized this is the source of my success. My drive to be a happy person is also my drive to be