If college athletes go pro before …show more content…
finishing college they want have a college degree and that means it will be hard for them to found a job to work at. For you to get a good job and that get paid good you need a degree. “ Schools is always more important than sports. No education, no diploma, no job.”( The Question). A Lot of athletes really don’t think all the way then they start going pro. They don’t think about what happened if something happen during pro, do they have a plan. A lot of athletes have to go back to college when they are fishing playing pro because, they don’t have a degree so it's hard for them to found a job. Athletes that don’t have a degree will have a hard time finding a job, that mean when they find one they want know how to save their money. A lot of athletes go pro early meaning they didn’t finish school. They don’t have no degree and that they don’t have no money. Then athletes do found a job it will be hard for them to save because, they don’t understand how to do it. Some of them don’t even own a bank to save their money. For athletes it's hard for them to save their money because, some of them make a good amount but don’t know what to do with it so they buy a lot of things that they don ‘t need. A lot of athletes dream about going pro early.
“ If the athletes is good enough, they should go.”( The Question). When young people get pick to go pro early they take that chance because, it won't be there anymore. When young people gopro early they forget about school. “ Athletes should play in the pros when they’re young. They can go back to college later.” ( The Question). A lot of people think that when young people gopro early that they can’t go back to college. College will always be there when athletes get ready to go back to college. A lot of people make a big deal out of nothing when its about college athletes will always have a chance to get their
degree. In closing, both sides can be good to pick because, you can still attend college after the pros. College will always be there for you when you get ready for it. So spending your child to pros early is still good because, they want have to worry about college until after they are done.