Have you ever wondered if college will be best fit for you? College is a big step into the future for many kids. There are bigger classes of kids, harder test, one professor for every class. High school graduates go to college to get a better occupation and make more money but also for the sake of going to have fun and make new friends. There are many benefits to going to college to obtain a college degree.
Employers are seeking more college graduates for jobs, than non college graduates. Going to college and getting a degree for your studies makes you more likely to be picked for a job over than a high school dropout. In the College Power Bulletin it states that , “college graduates have half the unemployment rates of high school …show more content…
graduates and better job security.” It also states that, “high school dropouts have a 9% unemployment rate as compared to a bachelor's degree that has a 2.4% unemployment rate.” That is less than half of a high school dropout’s unemployment rate! Also employers want more experienced workers in their business. In the Education strong determinant with work success article it had stated that, “the outlook is bracing for a majority of the state’s nearly half-million jobless workers - most whom lack college degrees.” This is saying that a lot more people without college degrees have no job and very few with college degrees don’t have a job so it is very unlikely to not get a job if you have a college degree but it is possible to still not get a job with a college degree. In conclusion, to get a better job people don’t need a college degree but it will help them get a better job because it shows that they are more experienced
College is very fun. For example in the College Power Bulletin it states that, “You will meet smart and interesting people and make lifelong friends.” Tons of people have said that college is great because they still keep in touch with roommates to this day and kept in touch with some people they meet on the way to class or in class. People from college sometimes meet their future wife or husband. Another reason is that in the College Power Bulletin it states also that, “There are many activities on college campuses.” I know that at the Northern Kentucky University they have a whole week of activities at the first week before school starts and they have movie nights, parties, games throughout the year and many more colleges do the same things. At college you can also spend time with friends at sporting events. In conclusion, college is worth going to because everyone will have a lot of fun all the time.
Some people may argue that it is way too much money to go to college.
Those who believe this don’t believe that you will make more money back than you pay and you will always be in debt. This is an understandable concern, however you will make you money back when you obtain a college degree and more. In the Education strong determinant with work success article it states that, “the median wage for workers with less than an associate's degree ranges from $20,000 to $34,000 dollars a year, The BLS reports.” That is a very low median wage for less than an associate's degree. Also as a worker with that degree the employee makes very little money a year and will not make as much money as a college graduate later in life. Another reason is that in the Education strong determinant with work success article it claims that, “By comparison, occupations requiring at least a two-year degree bring a median wage of $60,000 and higher.” With a two year degree the lowest average pay is $60,000 and that pay almost doubles the highest median pay for a associates degree and lower. With at least a two year degree you are making about double the worker’s pay that they would if they had an associate's degree or lower. So in the long run the worker with at least a two year degree will have paid off their schooling and had extra money to get whatever they want. To wrap this up, people who get at least a two year degree in college pay off their schooling and make more money than a worker who has an
associate's degree or lower, so it is definitely worth the cost.
In conclusion, there are many benefits to going to a college to receive a college degree. One benefit is that employers are looking for more educated and experienced workers for their business. Having a college degree shows the employer that you are more educated than someone who didn’t get a college degree or never went to college. Another benefit is that college is fun. In college you get to meet new people and new lifelong friends and have fun at lots of events at college like sports games or parties. A third benefit is that college is worth the cost. A worker with at least a two year degree makes at their least median pay ($60,000) a little less than double that of a person who has less than an associate's degrees highest median pay ($34,000). If you don’t go to college you will be passed up in the workforce, make less money in your life than a college graduate and potentially have no job at all.