When I was 17 years old I had my daughter, it was the best day of my life. Going to school people looked at me different for having a child at a young age. The statements people would say about me was emotional, but I used that as motivation, I'm not going to let nobody stop me from getting my education. Getting a degree is very important in my eyes. Having a degree will create a career that's gonna give my daughter everything she needs and wants. I …show more content…
I wanna make sure I don't have to chose the water bill or light bill to pay, I wanna be able pay both with no worries. Which will come from getting a degree in college, so that i can have a good job. The higher your education the more your potential job will pay. You can be the best at your job, but if someone has a degree and you don't, nine times out of ten, the other person will get the job rather than you. Also having a degree, you could get more benefits such as health insurance, which would be perfect beings that I have a