I have so much to learn when it comes to writing essays but I agree with the author on point number two that college is too expensive. It has become almost unattainable for many. To get a college degree these days, students must get financial aid if you are lucky perhaps qualify for a grant; otherwise, it means a huge student loan that will follow for years.
I also think that in today’s world corporations are waking up to the fact that a college degree does not necessarily mean that an applicant has acquired the skills for
the job. Having said that, there are places where a college degree is necessary and a résumé that does not list a college degree is automatically moved to the rejected stack by filters. Good examples of such places are teaching institutions.
The points you have listed make sense to me. Realistically, I disagree with the author that while he cautions that not attaining a college degree is not for everyone, he does not really state some very important facts. To succeed without a college degree and become an entrepreneur a person must be a special kind of individual. In my opinion, that individual has to be a self-starter, disciplined, laser focus on the goal and persistent